Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Why Weight Loss Is As Simple As A Calorie Deficit

By - Robert Bell

If you're like most people, you've probably tried every product that has come along and was "guaranteed" to make you lose weight. You've also sampled the supposed tried-and-tested diet programs that weren't really appropriate for you or your lifestyle or your goals. You are now at a loss as to what to do.

After all these diet plans and tricks, what do you know? The secret to weight loss is actually very simple and someone has already coined a term for it - calorie deficit. When you realize what it is, you'll probably shake your head and say, "why didn't somebody explain it this and sooner"? It could've saved you from all the headaches that you had to go through.

What is calorie deficit?

You often hear about calories being mentioned in the same breath as losing weight but haven't really absorbed its importance, although in practice you have probably realized its significance. Calorie deficit is the difference between the calories you actually consume on a regular basis and the number of calories you take in. It may also mean 'calorie restriction' in which case you reduce the calories in your ideal calorie requirements for the body. Pretty simple, isn't it?

It can be viewed in three parts: First, you try to decrease the calorie requirement for the body by as little as 500 to as much as 1000 calories. You just have to make sure that your body does not suffer from this change. Second, weight loss is guaranteed if you don't consume additional calories on top of the regular calorie requirement of the body. Third, if you have excess calories, you then have to consider a new diet program combined with an exercise or workout routine to prevent these calories from turning into fat or stored energy and thus bring down the calorie count to manageable levels.

How do you take advantage of calorie deficit?

Your body consumes a specific number of calories daily in order to function well. If your body is small and your weight loss needs are minimal, you may consider the calorie restriction method. You just maintain a slightly lesser calorie intake without sacrificing the body's needed nutrition.

Depending on your lifestyle and activities, either you burn them to a degree that there's a deficit in the number of required calories in your body (which is why it's called calorie deficit) or you don't burn them so they turn to fat or stored energy. If you're the type that almost always burns the regular allotted calories either from your lifestyle or from your metabolism, you're in danger of calorie deficit and you need to replace these lost calories in order to prevent your other internal organs from losing their required nutrition. Definitely, you'll experience weight loss if you don't get your regimen back on track. You may even experience tiredness and irritability if the balance is not met. Maintaining a healthy balance of calories will help you preserve the ideal and healthy weight for you.

If, on the other hand, you're the type with excess calories, the only way to lose weight is to deal with those. It will greatly help if you don't put any additional calories when you already have excess ones. Weight loss will not be achieved in this scenario. What you can do is determine your ideal calorie requirement, drop them by a notch and plan the calories that you're going to be taking in. This is where the proper diet and a good workout program come in. You still need to plan which foods to control when it comes to your calorie intake. If you need to burn 1000 calories, try not to cut down on your fruit supply but rather on your fast food appetite. Junk food always hampers your bodily functions in addition to keeping your fat stored. The changes that you apply to your regular diet will ultimately help you live longer and healthier.

Participating in a good cardiovascular workout will surely help you lose those unwanted pounds. Cardio exercises burn calories much faster than dieting and if done right, will increase your metabolism rate even while you're at rest.

Calorie choices

It's not that difficult to determine where to adjust with your calorie requirements. You simply have to cut down on high calorie foods and if possible and available, shift to low-calorie substitutes, especially with dressings and sauces. If you also eat less but with more frequency, it helps to control your metabolism. Try to avoid impulse foods, especially when you're stressed or emotional.

About The Author
Read more about weight loss, creatine, hoodia, fish oil, and glucosamine.


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